
High Quality Grinding Media

We attach great important to the efficiency of the grinding(overflow type ball mill),but, how to improve the efficiency of the grinding?Of course,we consider the grinding media at first.
Our grinding media can be classified in six main categories (three for mining and three for cement), each with a specific brand name with an individual reference for a specific field of application. For mining applications we offer grinding media with a diameter from 50mm to 125mm and chromium percentage from 0.2% to 9.9%; grinding media with diameter from 12mm to 100mm, and chromium percentage from 10% to 35%; grinding media with a diameter from 1.5mm to 3.5 mm, offering a unique inert ceramic bead for ultra-fine grinding applications in stirred mills.
We have ways to solve the wearing problems of jaw crusher.We are now the world leader in differentiated solutions against wear and supply the widest range of optimized solutions against wear to the mining industry as well as products, services and systems to other industries involved in material size reduction: cement, quarries, recycling and coal-fired power plants.
Welcome to Xinhai Mining Group Company,we will solve the tough nut effectively caused by low output of flotation,offer you the best choice,with high production capacity,large reduction ratio and high efficiency.
If you have requirement,please inquire us or you can leave message if possible,
ourwebsite: www.grindingmachineprice.net
We will be happy if you can send message about your needing
by Email:pzsong@xinhaimining.net

